Electronic Instrument Associates is proud to announce that we represent HV Technologies!
Conducted Immunity / Transient Test Systems EMC
Partner Automated 3-phase CDN's
Power Line Coupling EMC
Partner CDN's
Data Line Coupling EMC
Partner Damped
Oscillatory EMC Partner Impulse Voltage Insulation Tester EMC Partner Surge Combination Waveform 12vK and 24kV EMC
Partner Harmonics and Flicker EMC
Partner CS115
& CS116 Generators EMC
Partner Indirect
Lightning DO-160 & MIL-STD461G
Partner NEMP
and RS105 Systems EMC
Partner Pulsed
Current Injection Systems EMC Partner 300kV ESD Helicopter
If you have any questions on any of this.. just call me at 630-924-1600 or email me at frank@electronicinstrument.com
To return to our EMC – Specific webpage click here http://electronicinstrument.com/emchome.htm Or to return to our main webpage, click here http://electronicinstrument.com
For more information contact Frank
Electronic Instrument Associates-Central, Inc.